
Saturday, December 12, 2009

facebooking, tweeting, IM, Skype and work

I am just back from a meeting with a lady from german at Java, thamel here in kathmandu, and the first question she asked me was,"What do you do Akash?". I was not so sure about it, I told her I work. Then she was curious to know about my own but I was reluctant so I told her I use facebook and twitter a lot, and that's how I work. However, may be she was from 2000 generation so, she asked me if I use IM, I told her I did and also asked her if she have a skype account. She said she had it, and asked me what do I do on skype. I talked to my girl friend!!! :P that's what I told her, though.

Now I am back hom analysing my conversation with her.. and the truth is all I do these days is the things I mentioned. I work, I use fb, twitter, IM and I talk in Skype... every single day from moment I wake up till I sleep, my activities list is written above. Holy crap!! What a so called exciting life bounded by technology... So I am thinking of buying a smart-phone to encapsulated all these activities and personalize it... how does that sound??? And when I meet her again, I will say her.. I use

PiXar = Cool

When we were growing up every kid talked about Disney, but I was a different kid, because I never watched cartoon when I was a kid. So when I actually had interest on animation, Pixar was one name whose work I have always admired. So today I had about 3 hours of free time and all I did was check some of Pixar best work, specially in short films in youtube. You can click here if you are interested to enjoy yourself.

Pixar is such a cool work force, they produce things which have meaning and at the same time they provide you lot of entertainment. So kids better be watching some cars, incredibles, up rather than micky mouse stuff.. though you must not avoid watching tom and jerry :P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Convert XML file to XML String in java

I needed to convert XML file to XML String to pass it through to web service.

public String convertXMLFileToString(String fileName)
DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName));
org.w3c.dom.Document doc = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(inputStream);
StringWriter stw = new StringWriter();
Transformer serializer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(stw));
return stw.toString();
catch (Exception e) {
return null;

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Somebody's gonna hurt real bad

I was trying to find a new life which would exciting, full of fun and most importantly "new". So one day, I saw with my old laptop, sitting in my old couch but with new thought to browse some of newest video in youtube, and all I found was same old video from russel peter. This guys is quite cool and jokes like he is a real punk.. but he is really effective to make people laugh. So then, I started looking for his video and believe me or not I wasted 4 hours watching and downloading each one of them.. if you know russel peter, you must have known his dad's dialogue"Somebody's gonna hurt real bad"